I'm the Azure Group Admin.
My primary email for the Azure account is me@mydomain.com (well, you know..)
I added a custom domain to Default Directory = mydomain.com. It shows up on the list as verified.
I created an AD group in Default Directory called DBA.
I added me@mydomain.com to the DBA group.
I assigned DBA group as AD SQL Admin for MyAzureSQLServer (an Azure SQL server).
I did the query for principals via MSSMS and saw DBA group, to verify that it is wired up.
I then try to login to MyAzureSQLServer from MSSMS with Active Directory Password, using me@mydomain.com and with the correct password (which I confirmed two days ago, trying to get into Azure).
I get the following error:
TITLE: Connect to Server
Cannot connect to actionmap.database.windows.net.
One or more errors occurred. (mscorlib)
One or more errors occurred. (mscorlib)
AADSTS50034: To sign into this application the account must be added to the
05907bd6-5198-4caf-a794-f31461d86a8b directory.
Trace ID: e271f101-9292-46ee-b841-873eae340300
Correlation ID: 1ce045a5-e70b-4c61-a83f-1665ea5123f3
Timestamp: 2018-08-07 22:47:15Z (System.Data)
The directory id in bold above is the Default Directory (confirmed).
Following the explanation in here:
where it says
The following members of Azure AD can be provisioned in Azure SQL server or SQL Data Warehouse:
... based on that I thought that the login me@mydomain.com should be able to access MyAzureSQLServer through Active Directory - Password, because the custom domain mydomain.com has been added to Azure AD and verified.
What might I be missing here?