Hello, this is the first time I am using Azure Active Directory.
First, I followed this tutorial http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/windowsazure/dn151790.aspx created a Single Sign-On MVC application with SSL. But when I start the application in Visual Studio 2012, I get "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage". (URL: https://localhost:44300/".
Then, I followed another tutorial found here http://www.asp.net/aspnet/overview/aspnet-and-visual-studio-2012/windows-azure-authentication. This time, I can pass the Sign in page because this is not https request. (I tried to use https but get the same problem
as the first one). But then I get "Sorry, but we're having trouble signing you in. We received a bad request.".
I followed the two tutorials step by step. So how could I solve this problem?
I do have active Azure subscription via my MSDN professional subscription.