i have deployed office 365 hybrid with SSO Exch 2010
2 ADFS proxy, 2 ADFS, 1 Dirssync
now i want to move these servers to Azure and i have some Qs
1. can i move them as services or i have to have VMs and install these on them
2. each service is having 2 nodes as mentioned above except for Dirsync, one of the nodes is already virtual Vmware
so can i convert the other node to VM and just upload all vms to Azure ?
3. is it better to have the setup in both places Azure and on prem sine i am on office 365 hybrid ?
4. i have users already migrated and using o365 , how can i avoid disturbance to them
5. any guide for such a scenario or recommendations will be great, like where to start from and what are the things i need to consider as critical or risky or not possible
6. i like the idea of keeping the current setup on prem and just add secondaries on azure so on prem user don't need to travel to azure but the Q here is what about internet users logocally they will connect to the primarry on prem and only go to secondary if they can not reach the primary , correct ? if yes, is there a way to change that behavior so users outside the office will always go for ADFS on Azure ?