Hi everyone
I am using Windows Azure Active Directory authentication to authenticate users to my application (http://www.asp.net/aspnet/overview/aspnet-45/windows-azure-authentication). My active directory domain (e.g. domain1.onmicrosoft.com) has some Microsoft accounts (e.g. sometemporaryaccount1234@outlook.com).
Though I am able to login to my applications using the Windows Azure Azure Directory domain based credentials (e.g. testuser@domain1.onmicrosoft.com), I am receiving an error "ACS20016: The domain of the logged in user does not match any allowed domain of this STS " while logging in through Microsoft accounts within the domain (e.g. sometemporaryaccount1234@outlook.com).
Are there any methods possible to add the Microsoft account domains (e.g., outlook.com, live.com) to my STS so that Microsoft accounts within my domain can access my application?
Phani Lanka