I must be missing something completely but I am trying to follow the tutorial to add entities to the azure active directory (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/jj649347.aspx). However, there are two classes that I can't seem to find referencs for:
- DirectoryDataService
- User
When I go through the sample code (http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsazure/Write-Sample-App-for-79e55502#content) I see that User and DirectoryDataService is referenced from their ServiceReference. However, when I look at the ServiceReference from https://graph.windows.net/restdirectoryservice.svc all I have is WebRole1.ServiceReference1.Graph.
All the other source code examples seem to reference some service and they have User and DirectoryDataService
Any help would be greatly appreciated.